Thursday, May 22, 2014


Sorry it has been awhile since we posted an update.  We are currently in the waiting process at the moment.  What that means is that we have completed our homestudy and all background checks needed by the state and our agency and we have completed our profile for the agency which is what is shown to the birthmother. The next step is being matched with a birthmother and until that time we do not know the sex of the baby or where the baby will come from.  How it works is that the birthmother and or birth father looks at hundreds of profiles and then they choose who they want as adoptive parents for their child, which we hope will be us soon. However we have no say in the matter on who chooses us and when.  Most time this connection is made when the birthmother is about 6 months pregnant and at that time we find out where she is from and the sex of the baby.  We will keep everyone updated on our progress and future fundraisers.

Currently we have T-Shirts for sale for $15.00 and we have the puzzle fundraiser going on.(there is a blog with details for sponsoring pieces).

We will be hosting a yard sale at the end of the month details to follow shortly.


We will be hosting another Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser this summer for all those that were unable to attend.

Please keep us in you prayers as we patiently wait for God to match us with a birthmother.

Love the Stockwells